Highlight Lecture:
New Insights into the Nanostructure of SiCO Glasses Obtained via Moleculare Design Gian. D. Sorarù, Raquel De la Pena, Philippe Dibandjo, Rishi Raj
Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Precursor-Derived Ceramics Fernández-Recio, Y. Li, M. Burghard, J. A. Golczewski, J. Bill
Conversion of Liquid Preceramic Polymers into Nanostructured Ceramics by Laser Induced Pyrolysis J. Wilden, G. Fischer
Nanocrystals in Amorphous Matrices: Modeling, Simulation, and Prediction of Struture and Properties Peter Kroll, Ranber Singh
Wet Chemical Deposition of Perowskite Nanoparticles Dispersed in Molecular Precursor Solutions and Control of Morphology Theodor Schneller S. Halder, V. Narayanan, C. Pithan, J. Dornseiffer, S. B. Majumder, R. Waser
Mesoscopic Organised TiO2: Synthesis - Characterisation - Applications P. Kubiak, M.Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, J. Geserick, N. Hüsing, R. Rossmanith, K. Landfester, U. Hoermann, U. Kaiser
Microstructure of ultra-hard BN nanocomposites as seen by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy D. Rafaja, M. Motylenko, V. Klemm, M. Schwarz, T. Barsukova, E. Kroke
Synthesis and characterization of porous SiC-CeO2 -composites for catalytic applications M. Herrmann, U. Petasch, H.-P. Martin, E. Kockrick, P. Krawiec, S. Kaskel